The purpose of Relief Society as established by the Lord, is to organize, teach, and inspire His daughters to prepare them for the blessings of eternal life. Julie B. Beck, RS Gen. Pres.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Lindon Stake Home Gardening Course
6 week Friday-night series beginning February 4 and running through March 11. The classes will be held at the 1050 E. 200 S. church building at 7 p.m.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Kerosene Group Buy Opportunity
For the Lindon and Utah county area, I'm in process of ordering 55 Gallon drums of kerosene for emergency heating, cooking and storage use and wanted to pass along this opportunity. Kerosene has been inching up in price but a 55 gallon drum of kerosene is probably lower today than it will be for some time to come.
The price for a 55 drum of kerosene is currently over $325 at a most suppliers I checked with but the current group buy price is ~$270 dollars which will include all costs, taxes and charges delivered to the driveway of your home in the Utah county area. You will however, need to provide the muscle to move it to it's final storage space at your home.
This group buy also includes kerosene heaters. There are two models available; one is a larger heat output 23,000 BTU convection heater for $133 each and the other is a radiant 10,600 BTU heater for $121. Optional extra wicks will be available for $13 each. You should get at least one extra and two for good measure.
The larger convection heater is the CV-2230 and the radiant heater is the CTN-110 both discussed here: One of the advantages of this model of convection heater over those at Lowes or Home Depot is that it uses an "unpinned" wick which allows the wick to be trimmed and reused a few times without having to replace the whole wick. I still recommend getting a couple extra wicks for the heater for long term storage. A radiant heater however maybe the primary heater to start with, it is much more fuel efficient than a convection heater and will keep a room maintained at a good temperature without over heating it. A convection heater at 23,000 BTU will quickly get a room very warm and you will find that you may have to stop and start it to maintain the temperature balance. A convection heater is great for getting a room or home warm in the morning and then a radiant heater used throughout the day to keep it comfortable.
Why Kerosene for backup heating?A number of years ago Tim Woolf (our regions preparedness specialist) gave a preparedness fireside in our ward and discussed the various emergency heating alternatives available. Kerosene was recommended because it burns clean without a vent (though a window should always be cracked in the room the heater is in), it is one of the most energy dense fuels meaning you need less of it to provide the same amount of heat compared to other fuels which also means less room and space to store enough fuel to last for a heating season. Kerosene does not store forever but it will last in storage for a good number of years with a fuel stabilizer added which some put at 10-20 years if not longer. Bro. Woolf recommended two 55 gallon drums of kerosene and a heater to last a good Utah winter for heating purposes. You will need to add more kerosene if you plan on using it with a kerosene cook stove/oven, lamps etc. If it's a long winter you are preparing for then three drums would be my recommendation. Most city fire codes allow 200-300 gallons of kerosene to be stored on your premises.
Kerosene is arguably one of the better storage fuels. It is an oil and doesn't instantly ignite like gasoline. Kerosene is classified as a Class II "combustible" liquid not a "flammable" liquid (like gasoline) because kerosene’s flash point is above 100 degrees and below 140. You still need to be cautious with kerosene but it's much less hazardous than storing gasoline, propane and other fuels like Coleman white gas which can ignite with a spark. Kerosene doesn't vaporize readily or instantly ignite like the other fuels mentioned which makes it a much safer fuel to store.
To avoid smell and fumes a kerosene heater should be started and stopped outside as well as filling of the tank on your kerosene appliance. Purchase a good funnel to prevent the kerosene from dripping on the outside of the appliance. A drum hand pump is available for $40 to help remove the kerosene from the drum but a siphon pump will also work.
But I have a fireplaceAs a comparison between kerosene and wood, two 55 gallon drums of kerosene will provide roughly the equivalent amount of BTU's as a 4x4x8 stack/cord of pine or fir wood (hard woods have more BTU potential). The difference however comes when the fuels are burned. A good kerosene heater burns at 99.9% efficiency so you get close to complete conversion of your kerosene fuel into heat. A typical fireplace burns wood at 40%-50% efficiency with most of the heat going up the chimney. A good airtight high efficient wood stove is about 70%-85%+ efficient and will help convert more of the wood's BTU potential into heat. But depending on how you burn the wood you will need over two cords of wood to match the same heat output that two 55 gallon drums of kerosene and a good kerosene heater provide. Good dry firewood runs about $120-$200 a cord this year (according to KSL classifieds). You could store 8 drums of kerosene in the same space as a single cord of wood and you don't have to chop it either. Three or four 55 gallon drums will handle a cold Utah winter.
Kerosene for CookingTwo different kerosene cook stoves a 16 wick and a double 10 wick are available in this group buy. Either of these stoves can also be used with an optional Oven that can be placed over top the stoves burner to give you a baking option. Note that the oven doesn’t have an automatic temperature regulator so you have to watch the heat output of the stove to keep the oven at the correct temperature. Kerosene is one of the few fuels that is suitable for indoor use as a cooking fuel. So if you are storing fuel for backup heat you may also want to consider using it as a cooking option.
Kerosene Support Products
Along with the kerosene, I will also be ordering the kerosene fuel stabilizer PRI-D which will help lengthen the amount of time kerosene can be stored. It can be added to the drum of fuel after the kerosene been delivered and can also be added in the future when you start to use the kerosene. A pint of PRI-D treats 255 gallons of kerosene and will cost about $23/pint. Also a Mr Funnel fuel filter is available which filters water and other "floaties" from fuels. Water can collect inside a drum or container of fuel and if it makes it into the tank of a heater or other wicked appliance can prevent the wick from working correctly.
A drum pump is a good item to have to help get the kerosene out of the 55 gallon drum into a more manageable container.
Summary of Prices: 55 Gallon Drum of kerosene: $270CV-2230 kerosene convection heater (23,000 BTU): $133CTN-110 kerosene radiant heater (10,600 BTU): $121Extra wicks for heater: $13Pint of PRI-D fuel stabilizer: $23Mr Funnel: $19Drum Pump: $40Kerosene 16 wick cook stove: $58Oven for use on stove top: $55Kerosene 16 wick stove and Oven Combo: $95Kerosene 2 burner cook stove: $70
Note: Kerosene drums will be delivered to the driveway of your home by the supplier. You will need to move it to it's final resting place. Heaters, wicks stoves, pumps and PRI-D will be available for pickup at my home in Lindon at 368 N 400 E Lindon UT 84042.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Remember to review your information before confirming the shift!! (See step 7)
Read the following steps carefully!! It will work if you do exactly what the steps tell you to do!
1) Go to: www.MYSIGNUP.COM
2) Scroll down, (PAST THE REGISTER BOX), to FIND the box that says, “Searching for a signup? Enter the email address for the person with the sign up below.” (This is not asking for your email address see next step!!)
3) Enter the Cannery’s email distribution address in the yellow bar in the box, which is: 4) Click on the signup that you are interested in scheduling for. Note the date and product indicated in the link’s name.
5) Read the instructions at the top of the page and then scroll down to the sign-up where you will see names and UNDO boxes. This is where others are scheduled. You are looking for a box that says “Schedule This Shift”. You must write down the Patron# associated with the row the box is on as well as the column header which lists the day and time for your shift.
6) Click on the “Schedule this shift” box and enter the requested registration information. PLEASE WRITE DOWN AND KEEP THE UNDO CODE YOU CREATE DURING THIS STEP. (It is case sensitive so be sure to write it down correctly.) This code allows you to come back and UNDO (cancel) if you cannot fill your shift. This frees up the spot for someone else to come.
7) Verify all information entered and then click the box that says “Confirm this shift”. You cannot return to look at your information after you confirm the shift, so make sure everything is correct!!! Email addresses are used to send reminders.
Sunday Bulletin, November 28, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Dec 1st RS monthly meeting—7:00 pm—Travel with us around the world to experience how Christmas is celebrated in places like Africa, Italy, and Sweden.
Dec 3rd Ward Christmas Party—6:30 pm—dinner and program (more info on the back….)
Dec 5th First Presidency Christmas Devotional 6:00 pm
Dec 12th Carols To Our King 7:00 pm at the Stake Center
Visiting Teaching—Invite the sisters you visit to join us at the RS Christmas Celebration on Wednesday evening.
Come and enjoy singing beautiful Christmas music at Choir practice TODAY at Sorensen’s home.
Recipe of the week: Turkey Potato Pancakes
Ward Christmas Party
December 3rd
6:30 pm
Dinner and Program
Please share your family’s Christmas Nativity scene for the decorations for the ward party.
Just bring your crèche with you to the party, for safe keeping, and take it home with you when the party is over.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Ward Christmas Party
6:30 pm
Dinner and Program
In keeping with the true spirit of Christmas, it would be wonderful to see your family’s Christmas Nativity scene at a dinner table for the ward party.
Just bring it with you to the party, for safe keeping, and take it home with you when the party is over. Sign up on the RS blog by leaving a comment, or put your name on the sign-up list that comes around.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, November 21
Announcements and Dates to Remember
Dec 1st RS monthly meeting—7:00 pm—Travel with us around the world to experience how Christmas is celebrated in places like Africa, Italy, and Sweden.
Dec 3rd Ward Christmas Party—6:30 pm—dinner and program
Dec 5th First Presidency Christmas Devotional 6:00 pm
Visiting Teaching—Another reminder that November is slipping away. Share some time with the sisters you visit teach. They will appreciate it.
Choir practice TODAY in the choir seats -4:15-5:15pm. Come and enjoy singing beautiful Christmas music.
The Lindon Dry Pack Cannery is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am to 7 pm on a walk-in basis. For more info. call 801-785-0997.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, November 14, 2010
Announcements and Dates to Remember
Nov 17 - YW Evening of Excellence, 7:00 pm
Nov 20 - Stake Breakfast for all YW high school seniors (more information below)
Dec 1 - RS Monthly Meeting
Camiel Fairbanks is collecting money until Saturday, Nov 19 for the two upcoming weddings.
YW Evening of Excellence - 7:00 pm for YW and their parents. Please bring candies and decorations for ginger bread houses.
Visiting Teaching - November is half over. Pat yourself on the back if you have visited your sisters! This month's message is to be taken from the October General Conference. Please shre your love and concern for your sisters. We all need visiting teachers!
A Senior YW Breakfast will be held Saturday, Nov 20 from 9:30 - 10:30 am. The breakfast will be held at Sister Chudleigh's home, 55 South 1200 East, Lindon.
Go to the recipe blog for the delicious Ruby Chicken recipe.
Three openings tomorrow, November 16th on the 4pm shift.
One opening each on the Wednesday, November 17th 8:00 am, 12:00 noon, 4 pm shifts
November 18 & 19th are still open online. Each had openings as of this email.
1) Go to: www.MYSIGNUP.COM
2) Scroll down, PAST THE REGISTER BOX—do not register here, to find a gray box that says, “Searching for a signup? Enter the email address for the person with the sign up below.”
3) Enter the Cannery’s email distribution address in the yellow box, which is: (Copying and pasting this link won’t work if you include extra spaces. If you get a blank screen when you submit this information, try carefully typing in the email instead of copying and pasting.)
4) Click on the signup that you are interested in looking at.
5) You are looking for an empty cell with a “Schedule this shift” box in it. Click on it and fill in the required information.
DO NOT EMAIL YOUR REQUESTS TO BE SCHEDULED. You must go online or call in the morning, 801-785-0998, to see what shifts are still available. Do not leave a message. You must speak to someone in order be scheduled.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Home Storage Info
- After waiting for several months the HOME STORAGE CENTER (Lindon Dry Pack Cannery) will be opening again on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on a walk-in basis beginning Tuesday, November 9th! Phone lines will open that day as well. Please call 801-785-0997 for further information. The link below will take you to the price sheet.
- There are currently great prices at the cannery and other locations like Costco which still has 45 lb. buckets of white wheat for the low, low price of just $13.69. Costco also still has Lehi Roller Mills white flour in 25 lb. sacks for just $5.79. These great prices are not likely to last much longer.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Lindon Cannery Home Storage Info
For product information and pricing, please go to, select the Family Home Storage tab on the left hand side of the screen, then choose the Home Storage Center Order Form link on the right hand side of the screen. The order form is interactive and can be filled out and printed off to bring with you to the Home Storage Center.
Be patient with the missionaries. They are learning new cash registers and procedures to make this service available to you.
We are so blessed!!
11/3 Monthly Meeting Notes
Bishop Madsen spoke to the RS sisters about Wills, Trusts. Bro. Buckner instructed us on Financial Planning. The leftovers from the "Bring 'n Take" were delivered to the organizers of the Mexico and Navajo Nation Humanitarian and Service project. Fall treats were served.
- I have made a will that names and executor of my estate.
- My will includes guardianship of my minor children.
- I have included specific bequests of non-titled assets in my will.
- I have a Revocable Living Trust to ensure that my assets will be used for my care and welfare.
- I have a Durable Power of Attorney for my finances and health care.
- I have a Directive to Physicians in regards to Life Support circumstances.
- I have told my heirs, trustees, conservator, etc where my planning documents and financial documents are.
- I have made sure not to place my children's names on my assets so that I don't place my assets in jeopardy based on the negligence of my children.
- I have outlined my Procedures at Death (funeral, contact information, etc.)
- I have ensured that my home and other titled assets are in the name of our trust or other planning documents.
- I have reviewed my Beneficiary Designations with a financial professional.
Monday, November 1, 2010
November 11th - 7pm, Stake Provident Living Workshop
Financial Expert Scott Marsh at 7:00 at the Stake Center. He has an MBA and MSFS in taxation, investments, and economics. Come and learn from this financial expert who is a faculty member at the BYU School of Management. He will share ideas about financial communication in marriage, budgeting, teaching youth about financial responsibility, and other timely and relevant financial topics!!
Julie Palmer works with a committee for the Festival of Trees. If anyone of 16 years old is interested in volunteering during the festival as a host/hostess please get in touch with her. This involves a three or four hour shift monitoring an area within the festival, greeting guests, answering questions, etc. It is a lot of fun and a great way to get into the holiday spirit. Also if anyone is interested in donating hand crafted items to the festival these items will be sold at the “craft store” within the festival. All hand crafted items are welcome and some things I have seen sold are: handmade cards, jewelry, blankets, quilts, Christmas decorations, neighbor gifts, etc. If you are interested please get in touch with Julie.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Lindon Cannery e-mail list
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Blessings of the Scriptures
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Oct. 27th - Cub Scout Cake Auction
Oct. 28th - Stake Temple Day
Nov. 3rd - RS Monthly Meeting
Nov. 7th -- Stake Conference
Ward Choir practice: 1:30-2:15pm in Bob & RobbiAnn Sorensen's home. All invited--Come join the fun! (We don't meet on Fast Sundays.)
October 27 Cub Scout Cake Auction. Plan on helping your cub scouts make a cake to auction off. Everyone is invited to come and support our cub scouts.
Wednesday Nov. 3rd @7P.M. We will have Bishop Madsen there to talk to us about Will’s, Trusts, and Financial Planning. We will also have a “Bring n’ Take (swap meet) after. Sisters can bring clothes, coats, (kids as well) holiday décor, etc. that they don’t need or want anymore and trade for gently used wanted or needed items. Fall treats will be served.
**************Time is Running Out!***************
We are in need of your school kit, hygiene kit, and newborn kit items ASAP! Questions? Contact Mary Jane, Marta Dorner, or Marta Valdizan. These items will be shipped to Mexico with the Hasson group early in November, so we need them before Saturday, November 6th. Check the kit items lists in the RS notebooks for the particulars or at Thanks!!!
SPECIAL STAKE CHOIR CALLED for Sunday November 7th. Elder Lund is coming to speak to us and we need as many people as possible to sing in the choir. We will be singing 2 numbers. Rehearsals will begin today, Oct. 10th at 7:30pm in the Stake Center, and will be every Sunday until the 31st. Your support is needed and appreciated! (YM/YW ages and up)
November 11th - Stake Provident Living Workshop
Financial Expert Scott Marsh at 7:00 at the Stake Center. He has an MBA and MSFS in taxation, investments, and economics. Come and learn from this financial expert who is a faculty member at the BYU School of Management. He will share ideas about financial communication in marriage, budgeting, teaching youth about financial responsibility, and other timely and relevant financial topics!!
Julie Palmer works with a committee for the Festival of Trees. If anyone of 16 years old is interested in volunteering during the festival as a host/hostess please get in touch with her. This involves a three or four hour shift monitoring an area within the festival, greeting guests, answering questions, etc. It is a lot of fun and a great way to get into the holiday spirit. Also if anyone is interested in donating hand crafted items to the festival these items will be sold at the “craft store” within the festival. All hand crafted items are welcome and some things I have seen sold are: handmade cards, jewelry, blankets, quilts, Christmas decorations, neighbor gifts, etc. If you are interested please get in touch with Julie.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Relief Society News, October 10, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Oct. 19th - Book Group “Letters of a Woman Homesteader” 7pm @ Jeannine Cartwright’s
Oct. 27th - Cub Scout Cake Auction
Oct. 28th - Stake Temple Day
WARD CHOIR - Oct 10th, will be held from 1:30-2:15pm at the Sorensen's (975 E. Center). Your voice is needed -- come join us!
October 27 Cub Scout Cake Auction. Plan on helping your cub scouts make a cake to auction off. Everyone is invited to come and support our cub scouts.
SPECIAL STAKE CHOIR CALLED for Sunday November 7th. Elder Lund is coming to speak to us and we need as many people as possible to sing in the choir. We will be singing 2 numbers. Rehearsals will begin today, Oct. 10th at 7:30pm in the Stake Center, and will be every Sunday until the 31st. Your support is needed and appreciated! (YM/YW ages and up)
MotherKaren Provident Living blog is now at
The blogspot address for RS is It includes a link to listen to the lessons and a birthday list.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, September 26, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Oct. 6th Relief Society Monthly Meeting @ 7pm
Oct.9th WardTemple Day, 6pm session
Oct. 19th Book Group “Letters of a Woman Homesteader” 7pm @ Jeannine Cartwright’s
Oct. 28th Stake Temple Day
Relief Society Monthly Meeting
Wed. Oct. 6 at 7:00 pm Cooking and a Craft
We will have two classes that everyone can attend. There will be a fun Halloween cooking demo with a tasting table and we'll be making some Christmas gift tags.
Sisters bring a Friend or Neighbor and come and enjoy the activities.
WARD CHOIR - Next practice, Oct 10th, will be held from 1:30-2:15pm at the Sorensen's (975 E. Center). Your voice is needed -- come join us!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, September 19, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Sept. 22nd Daddy Daughter Hoe Down Activity Day
Sept. 22nd PG High Parent Teacher Conference
Sept. 25th General Relief Society Broadcast
Oct. 6th Relief Society Monthly Meeting @ 7pm
Oct.9th Relief Society Temple Day, 8am session
Oct. 28th Stake Temple Day
Primary Daddy Daughter Activity Day for 8-11yr olds Hoe Down from 6-8pm, Weds Sept. 22 @ Marie Dominge’s backyard, bring a blanket.
Sept. 26th Lesson “Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Left at Ward BBQ: beautiful glass bowl and metal serving spoon, contact Kris.
Please come and join us Saturday, September 25 for the General Relief society Meeting. Wonderful Dinner at 5:00 & Broadcast at 6:00 - Lindon Stake Center.
This is a great opportunity to be uplifted and mingle with the wonderful sisters of the Lindon Stake. We would love to see you all there. Don't miss this special evening!!!
Relief Society Monthly Meeting
Wed. Oct. 6 at 7:00 pm Cooking and a Craft
We will have two classes that everyone can attend. There will be a fun Halloween cooking demo with a tasting table and we'll be making some Christmas gift tags.
Potato “Group Buy”
We have a new food storage idea that we are going to try. Our main goal is to "practice" storing potatoes and see if we can keep them through the winter. We don't use a lot of potatoes now but that will probably change in the future in difficult times.
If you would like to participate in this Potato Buy we will take all orders to Alpine Food Storage on Sept. 20. We will also bring the potatoes back to our garage when they are ready. You can bring us a check payable to Alpine Food Storage by Sept. 19 or you can order directly from
The information below is from Chirine at Alpine Food Storage. If you have any questions please contact Keith or Suzanne Leavitt directly. They can be reached at 801-785-6872 or 801-735-5100.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, September 5, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Sept. 10-11 Stake Husband/Wife Retreat
Sept. 10-11 Regional Conference
Sept. 13th Lindon Emergency Drill
Sept. 17th Ward Temple Day
Sept. 22nd Daddy Daughter Ho Down Activity Day
Sept. 25th General Relief Society Broadcast
Oct.9th Relief Society Temple Day, 8am session
Oct. 28th Stake Temple Day
Primary Daddy Daughter Activity Day for 8-11yr olds
Ho Down from 6-8pm, Weds Sept. 22 @ Marie Dominge’s backyard, bring a blanket
Please come and join us Saturday, September 25 for the General Relief Society Meeting
Wonderful Dinner at 5:00 & Broadcast at 6:00
Lindon Stake Center
This is a great opportunity to be uplifted and mingle with the wonderful sisters of the Lindon Stake. We would love to see you all there - Don't miss this special evening!!!
Adult Fireside September 19th @ 7p.m.--Brother Nathan Leishman, Manager for the Church's Worldwide Humanitarian efforts will address all 3 Lindon Stakes at our Stake Center. Come here how the Church coordinates and provides relief throughout the world in an emergency situation.
MotherKaren Provident Living blog is now at
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, 8.22.2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Aug. 25th School starts
Aug. 27th Look at the Moon with binoculars
Aug. 30th Ward Neighborhood BBQ Picnic @ 6:30, Canyon View Park, Provo Canyon
Sept. 5th Church starts at 9am
Sept. 10-11 Stake Husband/Wife Retreat. Scan and send wedding pictures to
Sept. 10-11 Regional Conference
Kris is collecting money for wedding gift for the Judson Wedding.
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, August 1, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Aug.4th Relief Society Monthly Meeting
Aug. 7-14 Lindon Days
Aug. 16-20 Education Week
Aug. 30th Ward Neighborhood BBQ Picnic
Kris is collecting money for wedding gifts for the SmithWedding, and the Judson Wedding.
Sisters, grab the Ladies that you Visit Teach and bring them to the Movie Night Weds. Aug. 4.
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you
Relief Society Monthly Meeting
Wed. Aug. 4 at 7:00 pm
BYOC: Bring a lawn chair, camp chair, or bean bag
We're having a movie/popcorn night in th gym and
watching "Fireproof" a Christian produced film
about marriage relationships.
PRIMARY SPLASH PARTY!! Join us for some fun in the sun! Wednesday, August 11th at Lindon Park, 10:30-12:00 p.m. Wear your swim suit, bring a towel and don't forget your sunscreen. Lots of fun water games and snow cones for everyone!!
Have you ever wanted to taste the sunny sweet flavors of summer in February? Learn how you can at our Food Dehydration Class on Thursday, August 12, at 7pm. Come and sample bright, sweet fruits, hearty vegetables, yogurt taffies, fruit and vegetable leathers, crackers, jerkies, dried homegrown herbs, and super-lightweight backpacking meals. Stake Center – Relief Society room.
Just a note about our Food Storage Workshop on Saturday, August 21st. This class will be held in the Historic County Courthouse on 51 S. University Avenue in Provo from 11am to 1pm. It will include a tasty lunch made from food storage ingredients, an opportunity to learn, plan, or update your food storage system, plus fun door prizes and give-aways! Cost is $6.00 per individual if registered before Monday, August 16th at 5pm or $8.00 at the door! Please register early as there is limited space and our past classes have filled up sometimes two weeks in advance. This way, we can also better plan for enough lunch and workshop materials for everyone. You can also register online by going to
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, July 18, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
July 19-22 - TREK
Aug 3 - Relief Society Monthly Meeting
Aug 16-20 - Education Week
July Newsletter - Emergency Preparedness & Provident Living
Many of us in the Lindon Stake were reminded last month that the unexpected does happen. The area above 1200 east was put on alert to boil our tap water for a few days. In some homes the water looked like it had just been bucketed out of a dirty ditch. The City repaired the spring runoff problem quickly but we could not use the public water supply for about 2 days.
For those in the affected area that were prepared, this event was just a mild inconvenience and a chance to practice using our preparedness supplies. If you were boiling water or running to the grocery store for bottled water you were unprepared. Consider the scenario if this had been a bigger emergency like a large scale earthquake. The grocery stores still open would be emptied of bottled water and food in a few hours. Power and natural gas service would likely be out and you would not able to boil water on the cook top. With this recent Lindon City water problem as a reminder we want to review some plans for – Emergency Water Storage
The most recent message from the First Presidency says, “Store drinking water for circumstances in which the water supply may be polluted or disrupted.” The minimum recommendation in the past has been to store 1 gallon per person per day for 14 days. This is just enough water to survive but not enough for things like washing dishes, sanitation, showering, laundry, pets, etc. The average American uses more that 50 gallons of water a day. We have put together a list of some ideas we have tried and some suggestions from water treatment experts.
1. The first thing you will probably need is an easy and simple source of clean drinking water. Cases of bottled water from the grocery store are our first suggestion. Rotate and use them so that they are not more than a year old.
2. Large barrels made of thick polyethylene plastic approved for water storage are readily available. We use 55 and 30 gallon barrels for most of our water storage. We use 5 gallon jugs that are easy to move around for cooking and hand washing. The siphon tubes work better than the hand pumps for removing water from 55 gallon barrels. Remember to use white RV hoses and not garden hoses that may be contaminated for filling the barrels. Store water in a cool, dark and dry location. Plastic water containers placed on concrete may take on a concrete taste over time. Place your water on wood and away from substances like kerosene and pesticides.
3. Supplies of paper plates, cups, utensils, napkins and garbage bags will save a lot of water and will simplify meals in an emergency.
4. Your home has other sources of water – water heater, water lines, toilet tanks (not bowls) beverages, canned fruits in water or juice, and ice. Swimming pools can be used for hygiene purposes but may have chemicals in the water that could be harmful for drinking.
Emergency Water Treatment
When the home water supply is interrupted by a disaster there are several possible dangers in the water.
Protozoa are the largest pathogens in drinking water. The two most common are Giardia lambria (Giardia) and Cryptosporidium (Crypto). They range in size from 2-15 microns but can squeeze through smaller openings. Filters with an absolute pore size of 1 micron should be used.
Medium sized Bacteria are responsible for many diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, diarrhea, and dysentery. Pathogenic bacteria range in size form 0.2 to 0.6 microns. A 0.2 micron filter is necessary to prevent transmission.
Viruses are the smallest pathogens and range in size from 0.02 to 0.03 microns and are too small to be filtered out by a mechanical filter.
Chemicals like heavy metals, salts, fuels, and other pollutants can also be a danger in the water.
1. Clarify or filter dirty water to remove floating or suspended particles before disinfecting. Filter by pouring water through coffee filters, paper towels, or cloth. Filter bags or socks are available that will filter down to 1 micron. These bags will filter thousands of gallons of water.
2. Boiling is recognized as the safest method to purify and disinfect water of all pathogens. Most experts feel that if the water reaches a rolling boil it is safe. Some still hold out for maintaining the boiling for some length of time, 1- 10 minutes. Boiling does not remove contaminates such as heavy metals, salts, and most chemicals.
3. Chlorine Bleach such as ordinary household bleach (Clorox) must have 5.25% or 6% sodium hypochlorite and contain no soap, scents, colorings, or phosphates. Bleach is unstable and starts to diminish in strength after 6 months and can lose half of its strength after one year. Normal dosage is 8 drops (0.4ml) per gallon in clear water and 16 drops per gallon in cloudy water. Stir and allow the treated water to sit for 30 minutes, if there isn’t a slight chlorine smell, retreat.
4. Iodine emerged as a water purifier after WWII. Iodine was found to be in many ways superior to chlorine in treating small batches of water. Long term exposure to low levels of iodine has been proven safe. Nevertheless, experts are reluctant to recommend iodine for long term use. Iodine is normally used in doses of 8 ppm to treat clear water for a 10 minute contact time. Cloudy water needs twice as much iodine or twice as much contact time. If no instructions are provided on the container, use 12 drops per gallon of water. Mix well and allow the water to stand 30minutes. Water treated with iodine can have a bad taste removed by treating the water with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) after the water has stood for the correct treatment time.
5. Mechanical filters - Small portable camping filters like the Katadyn or MSR only screen out particles down to a certain size. Larger gravity filter devices like the Big Berkey or Aqua Rain use carbon filters. Know the limitations of the individual filter. These might need to be combined with a chlorine treatment to kill the small viruses.
6. Distillation, pasteurization, chlorine crystals, Polar Pure, solar/UV light, and stabilized oxygen are a few other less common ways to treat water.
We will be sending out an additional email with information on purchasing water barrels, siphon hoses, filter socks and other water treatment supplies.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, July 4, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
July 4 - Open House @ Magleby’s for Acerson’s
July 7 - RS Monthly Mtg. @ 6:30, Quilting, Potluck Salads and Desserts
July 19-22 - TREK
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
Next Week’s Lesson #13 The Priesthood
The Stake Provident Living Specialist, Julie Bryner, sent me the following information about purchasing pears for canning.
If you are interested in purchasing pears please give your money to Karen Smith by July 15th. The pears are $24 a box.
Here are a few particulars, first, on the pears:
---They are Bartlett Pears----awesome for canning!
---They are guaranteed to be 2 1/4" to 3" in diameter.
---They are 'field picked' so they may have a few small blemishes that are easily peeled off, and don't affect the flavor. (We didn't notice any such blemishes last year!)
---They will be picked during the last 2 weeks of August and the first week of September, and kept in a cooler until we get them. (Last year, we had plenty of time ---10-14 days ---to get around to canning them.)
Due to the likelihood of a smaller crop this year, we're going to open this order up early and get it turned in as soon as possible. Here's how it will work:
--- The order deadline is August 1, 2010----although we will accept modifications up to 2 days prior to delivery.
---Delivery will be the last 2 weeks of September---we will email with specific dates later.
---These will be 40-44 lb boxes. (Last year we got 36 lb boxes)
---They will be $24 per box. (That's about 55¢ per lb!)
---If your group puts together a minimum order of 50 boxes, we will deliver pears to your home (or designated area of your choice)--as long as you're within 10-15 minutes off of I-15.
---If you'd like to do a group order but don't think you can quite make the minimum, please call us, we'll try to group you with others in your area.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, June 27, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
June 28th FHE clean-up at Acerson’s
July 4th Open House @ Magleby’s for Acerson’s
July 7th RS Monthly Mtg. @ 6:30, Quilting, Potluck Salads and Desserts
July 19-22 TREK
The Stake Provident Living Specialist, Julie Bryner, sent me the following information about purchasing pears for canning.
If you are interested in purchasing pears please give your money to Karen Smith by July 15th. The pears are $24 a box.
Here are a few particulars, first, on the pears:
---They are Bartlett Pears----awesome for canning!
---They are guaranteed to be 2 1/4" to 3" in diameter.
---They are 'field picked' so they may have a few small blemishes that are easily peeled off, and don't affect the flavor. (We didn't notice any such blemishes last year!)
---They will be picked during the last 2 weeks of August and the first week of September, and kept in a cooler until we get them. (Last year, we had plenty of time ---10-14 days ---to get around to canning them.)
Due to the likelihood of a smaller crop this year, we're going to open this order up early and get it turned in as soon as possible. Here's how it will work:
--- The order deadline is August 1, 2010----although we will accept modifications up to 2 days prior to delivery.
---Delivery will be the last 2 weeks of September---we will email with specific dates later.
---These will be 40-44 lb boxes. (Last year we got 36 lb boxes)
---They will be $24 per box. (That's about 55¢ per lb!)
---If your group puts together a minimum order of 50 boxes, we will deliver pears to your home (or designated area of your choice)--as long as you're within 10-15 minutes off of I-15.
---If you'd like to do a group order but don't think you can quite make the minimum, please call us, we'll try to group you with others in your area.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
May 23rd Seminary Graduation
May 24th Ward Picnic at Rocky Mt. School/Pioneer Park
June 1st & 3rd Visiting Teaching Interviews
June 2nd “Cookin’ Mama’s “ Relief Society Monthly Mtg
June 4/5 Zions Camp
June 12th Stake Daughter of Valor Camp 11 year old girls and Moms
June 12th Aspen Lakes Pavilion Dedication
June 14-17 Girls Camp
June 14-17 Scout Camp
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
Sisters please sign up for the VT Interviews.
Wednesday, June 2nd
7:00 pm in the R.S. room
Savvy Shopping
Meal Planning
Simple Dinner Demos
Refreshments and Tasting Table
Please bring your favorite Simple Supper Recipe to share with the group
Possible bags for TREK
Each participant is required to have a possibles bag for Trek. Sister Bruning has ALL the fabric for the possible bags. It will cost $1.00 per person for the fabric. We are hoping to have a RS activity combine with Mutual to sew the possible bags the last Wednesday of June. Please watch for details on this!
MotherKaren Provident Living blog is now at
Wallaby’s Smokehouse have 5 gal buckets/lids for $2.50
The Mormon Handcart Pageant in Nephi, UT will be held this year from June 23-26th at the Juab County Fairgrounds Outdoor Arena (350 W. Center Street). Pageant begins at dusk (9:15 pm), but pre-pageant activities and chuckwagon dinner start at 6:30 pm. For more info visit
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Sunday Bulletin - May 16, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
May 23rd - Seminary Graduation
May 24th - Ward Picnic at Rocky Mt. Park
June 1st & 3rd - Visiting Teaching Interviews
June 2nd - “Cookin’ Mama’s “ Relief Society Monthly Mtg
June 4/5 - Zions Camp
June 12th - Stake Daughter of Valor 11 year old girls and Moms
June 12th - Aspen Lakes Pavillion Dedication
June 14-17 Girls Camp
June 14-17 Scout Camp
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
Sisters please sign up for the VT Interviews.
Attention all Lindon 11th Ward Sisters:
Wednesday, June 2nd is our very first activity of the new R.S. monthly meetings! Come join us for a fun and informative evening.
Wednesday, June 2nd
7:00 pm in the R.S. room
Savvy Shopping
Meal Planning
Simple Dinner Demos
Refreshments and Tasting Table
Please bring your favorite Simple Supper Recipe to share with the group
Possible bags for TREK
Each participant is required to have a possibles bag for Trek. Sister Bruning has ALL the fabric for the possible bags. It will cost $1.00 per person for the fabric. We are hoping to have a RS activity combine with Mutual to sew the possible bags the last Wednesday of June. Please watch for details on this!
The Mormon Handcart Pageant in Nephi, UT will be held this year from June 23-26th at the Juab County Fairgrounds Outdoor Arena (350 W. Center Street). Pageant begins at dusk (9:15 pm), but pre-pageant activities and chuckwagon dinner start at 6:30 pm. For more info visit
Thought for the day: JaNae Munden
*Women are Angels*
*And when someone breaks our wings....*
*We simply continue to fly.........on a broomstick...*
*We are flexible....*
The blogspot address for RS is It includes a link to listen to the lessons and a birthday list.
If you have any announcements for the Relief Society please email them to Dixee Wilkerson at
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sunday Bulletin - May 9, 2010
Happy Mother’s Day!
Announcements & Dates to Remember
May 13th Book Group
May 14/15 Father and Son Campout
May 23rd Seminary Graduation
May 24th Ward Picnic at Rocky Mt. Park
June 1st & 3rd Visiting Teaching Interviews
June 2nd “Cookin’ Mama’s “ Relief Society Monthly Mtg
June 4/5 Zions Camp
June 12th Daughter of Valor
June 14-17 Girls Camp
June 14-17 Scout Camp
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
We are excited to start our New Monthly Relief Society Meetings. Encourage your families to support you, so you can attend.
Lindon Stake Scripture Study Class 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings, 7pm . Andrew Skinner will be the teacher and the Old Testament will be the text. May 13.
Possible bags for TREK
Each participant is required to have a possibles bag for Trek. Sister Bruning has ALL the fabric for the possible bags. It will cost $1.00 per person for the fabric. We are hoping to have a RS activity combine with Mutual to sew the possible bags the last Wednesday of June. Please watch for details on this!
Congratulations to Jon and Melissa on the birth of their new baby girl!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday Bulletin - May 2, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
May 7th Arbon Wedding
May 13th Book Club
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
Lindon Stake Scripture Study Class 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings, 7pm . Andrew Skinner will be the teacher and the Old Testament will be the text. May 13.
May's Book choice is: "The Remarkable Soul of a Woman" by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. This is a very easy read. It is 5"X7" and 16 pages of text.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with change, challenges, or checklists,
you wonder how you can partake now of God's happiness and find your pathway to peace, hope, and joy...find happiness in the journey.
In the end. The number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness. But the number of prayers we answer may be of greater importance.
Sincerely hope everyone gets a chance to read this book of encouragement and direction.
MotherKaren Provident Living blog is linked on this page - go check it out!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sunday Bulletin - April 11, 2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Apr. 15th RS Transition Dinner for Seniors and Mothers
Apr. 18th Ward Conference
Apr. 20th Book Club “An Assembly Such As This”
Apr. 21st Trek Orientation Meeting for Youth and Parents @ 7pm
Apr. 28th Pinewood Derby
Apr. 29th Seniors Dinner with Parents
Apr. 30th Ward Temple Night @ Salt Lake Temple 7 pm session, dinner @ 6pm
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
Lindon Stake Scripture Study Class 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings, 7pm . Andrew Skinner
will be the teacher and the Old Testament will be the text. April 25 & 29 and May 13.
Primary Quarterly Activity on April 21st at 4-5:30 p.m. at the church. Come and help us celebrate the Primary's birthday. We will be celebrating like the pioneers used to do in the days the Primary began. The children are invited to dress like pioneers if they choose.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, 3.21
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Mar. 27th YW Broadcast
Mar. 28th Easter Program in Sacrament Meeting
Mar. 28th VT Conference
Mar. 28th Trek Fireside @ 6pm
Apr. 4th General Conference
Apr. 11th Fast Sunday
Apr. 18th Ward Conference
Apr. 20th Book Club “An Assembly Such As This”
Apr. 21st Trek Orientation Meeting for Youth and Parents @ 7pm
ORGAN CLASSES are going to be taught again in the Lindon Stake. They are for anyone who would like to play the organ. You must already be able to play the church hymns. Classes will begin the week of April 12th and go for 6 consecutive weeks. Day/time TBA when we get the names of those interested. Please sign up on a sign up sheet going around your ward or call Lucy Pierce at 801-785-7825 if you are interested. We need to know who is interested by April 5th.
Lindon Stake Scripture Study Class 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings, 7pm . Andrew Skinner will be the teacher and the Old Testament will be the text. March 25, April 25 & 29 and May 13.
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
Kris will be collecting money for a wedding gift for Brock Arbon and finance’. April 29th.
Dave Lawson is going to show us how to prune our fruit trees this Thurs. March 25 @ 6:30
@ Wilkerson’s, so any one that would like to see the demonstration please come. Some of us missed the last demonstration.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, March 14
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Mar 16th Book Club
Mar. 27th YW Broadcast
Mar. 28th Easter Program in Sacrament Meeting
Mar. 28th VT Conference
Mar. 28th Trek Fireside @ 6pm
Apr. 3-4th General Conference
Apr. 11th Fast Sunday
Apr. 18th Ward Conference
Apr. 21st Trek Orientation Meeting for Youth and Parents @ 7pm
Book Club
Mar. 16 Wednesday War
Apr. 20 An Assembly Such As This
Lindon Stake Scripture Study Class 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings, 7pm . Andrew Skinner
will be the teacher and the Old Testament will be the text.
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
It’s time to start thinking of gardening, March 17 is a good day to plant your peas, soak them at least 4 hours before planting and then watch them grow and enjoy your peas in early summer. Also have you pruned your fruit trees and grape vines?
Wilkerson’s have a wooden outdoor play set that they want to give away, if you are interested contact them @ 801-701-0019.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Yesterday, as the final inspection of the Dry-Pack Processing Room maintenance was done, we found a few more problems that need to be taken care of…
It looks like we jumped the gun (and the lake, AND the tall-building-in-a-single-bound) by announcing the processing room’s re-opening as March 4th.
Please call 801-785-0997 and talk to us or listen to our phone greeting to be sure when the Lindon Home Storage Center’s (Dry Pack) processing room will re-open.
Thank you for your patience. We hope our enthusiasm to get back to work, therefore jumping the gun and announcing an opening date that isn’t going to happen, will not cause any problems for you!
We are open for bulk sales and canner check-in/check-out.
Elder Mark Anderson, Manager
Lindon Home Storage Center (Dry Pack)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Important Message from the Lindon Home Storage Center - Dry Pack
Thank you so much for your patience during this maintenance period.
Elder Mark B. Anderson – LHSC Manager
Monday, March 1, 2010
We have filled the shifts we opened for Salsa registrations. If you want to call and register for Spaghetti Sauce, Jam or Pancake Syrup, there are still some openings on the scheduled dates. Remember, once a product is “full”, you can call the week we are canning the product to see if there are cancellations that you can fill. For Salsa, you can begin calling on Monday, March 15th to see what is available.
Sunday Bulletin, Feb 28
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Mar. 3rd RS Birthday Dinner @ 6:30, casual dress
Mar. 13th RS Temple Day @ 8am
Mar 16th Book Club
Mar. 27th YW Broadcast
Mar. 28th Easter Program in Sacrament Meeting
Mar. 28th VT Conference
Mar. 28th Trek Fireside @ 6pm
Apr. 4th General Conference
Apr. 11th Fast Sunday
Apr. 18th Ward Conference
Apr. 21st Trek Orientation Meeting for Youth and Parents @ 7pm
Book Club Mar. 16 Wednesday War
Apr. 20 An Assembly Such As This
Lindon Stake Scripture Study Class 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings, 7pm . Andrew Skinner will be the teacher and the Old Testament will be the text.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Who Still Wants Salsa?
It is obvious that we needed to have more days for Salsa because there are so many still wanting to be scheduled. We think we found a way to make this happen. (Read slowly because this is quite creative and it may take some real thinking to understand…)
On March 12th we are still needing people to fill the afternoon shifts from 12:00 noon – 6:00 p.m. This is the last day we have scheduled for spaghetti sauce. We also need help on the clean-up shifts for each day we are doing spaghetti sauce. We anticipate finishing the spaghetti sauce early on the 12th and will be able to switch over and begin producing salsa on the same day. If you schedule to buy salsa, you will be working for Salsa regardless of which product you actually produce.
To schedule for salsa, please check your schedule and see if you can come to any of the following shifts:
12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00 Processing Shifts: March 12 (Friday)
6:00 p.m. Clean-up shifts: March 9, 10, 11, 12 (Tuesday-Friday)
If you are scheduled for Salsa on any of these days, you will not be able to pick up your product until the final day of Salsa production on Thursday, March 18th. You can also pick up Salsa when you come for shifts you have scheduled for Jam or Syrup.
Please call the Cannery at 801-785-0998 if you would like to schedule any of the above mentioned shifts. Be sure to indicate that you are scheduling for Salsa. If you want to schedule for both Salsa and Spaghetti Sauce, you will need to work two shifts. Remember that until you have spoken with someone at the Cannery, you are not scheduled. We will do our best to return messages, but do not guarantee that we will be able to do so. Please continue to call until you reach us. We will let you know through another email (sorry) when these shifts are full.
We still have limited room left in all of the spring family canning products. You can register for those at the same time.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Effective immediately until March 9th, the Lindon Home Storage Center will be open for
Please Call 801-785-0997 for updates.
If you wish to do canning in #10 cans during this time, you may call the SPRINGVILLE HSC: 1672 West 700 South Springville, Utah (Just East of Wal-Mart) Ph: (801) 491-7359 to schedule in-house canning activities.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sunday Bulletin, Feb 21
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Mar. 3rd RS Birthday Dinner @ 6:30, casual dress
Mar. 16 Book Club Wednesday War
Apr. 20 An Assembly Such As This
Lindon Stake Scripture Study Class 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings, 7pm . Andrew Skinner will be the teacher and the Old Testament will be the text.
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
Sisters – If any one would be willing to help out with Freezer Meals there will be recipes and a pan to freeze them in on the table by the door in the Relief Society Room.
The Stake will be holding a teacher training meeting on Sunday February 21st at 6:00 PM at the Stake Center in the Chapel. This brief session will highlight insights on effective gospel teaching from Elder Holland. We will be instructed by brother Troy Brown, who is a noted speaker and CES educator. If you have occasion to teach as part of your calling, then this meeting is for you. This is for all auxiliaries including Sunday School, Primary, YM/YW, Priesthood, and Relief Society. Take advantage of this great
opportunity to learn key principles that will help you be a more confident and effective teacher.
The Church is requesting that we donate money now for Haiti's recovery. Mark Haiti under Humanitarian Aid on your donation slip.
On the Church website, under Current Humanitarian Needs, the only items specifically requested at this time are double-sized quilts (90" x 90"). The Humanitarian Committee has committed the Lindon Ward Relief Society to doing 5 quilts in the upcoming months. (This would also be a great Eagle project or family project.) We may add more quilts to our goal as we go along!
We also decided that we would do projects this year that include all of you sisters. In addition to the 5 quilts, we have also decided to collect newborn, hygiene, and school kit items as an ongoing project throughout the year. A recent Church News stated that members could also help Haiti by donating to DI (clothes we assume) and completing Humanitarian Kits.
Individual kit items (or kits completed in your family or by yourself) may be brought to church and given to one of the committee members, or dropped off during the week at the home of Marta Dorner, Marta Valdizan, or Mary Jane Johnson. Kits will then be assembled in late fall.
Please refer to the Relief Society Notebooks for hand-outs, sign-up sheets, and more information about these projects.
Fold the handout and keep it in your purse, scriptures, manual, or on your bulletin board as a reminder of the items needed for the RS kits and quilts. Thanks again for all your help. We hope you want to be involved in these projects!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
We still have shifts available for Spaghetti Sauce, Salsa, Jam and Syrup. In order to fill the shifts in a timely manner, we will take phone registrations beginning 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 17th until they are full. Second shifts are open for those who are already scheduled and would like more product. Most of the available shifts are between 11:00 am – 6:00 pm. We also need three people on each day beginning at 7:00 am to help lift 40 pound bags of ingredients. This shift will still be for 2-1/2 hours.
We have inserted a “Phone Registration” form (see below) so you can determine your availability and budget before you call. Planning ahead will help us keep the phone lines open for other callers. BEFORE YOU CALL, please print out this email to record your shifts as we schedule you.
We are limited to one incoming phone line—(the main reason we don’t normally schedule by phone)—so please be patient and try again if you are sent to voice mail. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to return messages, but we will do our best. Until you have spoken with someone from the Cannery to verify a shift, you are not scheduled to come.
LINDON CANNERY, 940 W Center, Lindon, UT 84042 - 785-0998
1. If you are not able to fill your shift, please call to cancel as soon as you are aware of your conflict OR at least 24 hours in advance so that others can take your place. In case of a real emergency, please call as soon as possible, even if it is after the fact. We are tracking the names of those who do not call to cancel. They will be limited in the products they are able to buy. **(see No Show Policy below)**
2. The "shift starting time" is when you should be ready to work, NOT WHEN YOU SHOULD ARRIVE. Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before your shift to have time to pay for your product. Shifts will close at 15 minutes past the hour. This is necessary to keep production running in a timely manner.
3. We accept CHECKS (preferred) or CASH ($1, $5, $10, $20). Please NO LARGE BILLS, DEBIT OR CREDIT CARDS.
4. Under federal law, no one under 16 years of age may participate in wet-pack cannery production.
NAME:_______________________________ PHONE:___________________
$24.00 Per case of 12, 32 oz jars
2-1/2 hour shifts
March 9, 10, 11, 12
# of Cases Ordered: _________
Date Scheduled: ___________________
Time Scheduled:____________________
$12.00 Per case of 12 pint jars
2-1/2 hour shifts
March 16, 17, 18,
# of Cases Ordered: _________
Date Scheduled: ___________________
Time Scheduled:____________________
$21.00 Per case of 12 pint jars
2-1/2 hour shifts
March 23, 24, 25, 26
# of Cases Ordered: Raspberry _________
Date Scheduled: ___________________
Time Scheduled:____________________
$21.00 Per case of 6 half-gallon jugs
2-1/2 hour shifts
March 30, 31
# of Cases Ordered: _________
Date Scheduled: ___________________
Time Scheduled:____________________
SCHEDULED BY:____________
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Sunday Bulletin 2.14.2010
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Feb. 16th Book Group “Princess Bride”
Feb 17th PG High, Parent Teacher Conference from 3:30 to 7pm.
Feb. 17th Youth Fundraiser @ 6:30
Feb. 21st RS Sisters sing in Sacrament Meeting
Mar. 3rd RS Birthday Dinner @ 6:30, casual dress
Book Club - Feb. 16 The Princess Bride
Mar. 16 Wednesday War
Apr. 20 An Assembly Such As This
Lindon Stake Scripture Study Class 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings, 7pm . Andrew Skinner will be the teacher and the Old Testament will be the text.
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
For ALL Lindon 11th Ward RS sisters: Come to a SHORT song practice directly after church, in the chapel. Direct any questions to Sister Lisa Harris.
Sisters – If any one would be willing to help out with Freezer Meals there will be recipes
and a pan to freeze them in on the table by the door in the Relief Society Room
Youth Fundraiser
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Annual Auction - Dinner and Carnival
Make sure you bring all your quarters to buy tickets for the carnival and for dinner! We will be having our successful auction - so start finding those fantastic items that you can donate. Look for the sign up sheet in your classes.
The Stake will be holding a teacher training meeting on Sunday February 21st at 6:00 PM at the Stake Center in the Chapel. This brief session will highlight insights on effective gospel teaching from Elder Holland. We will be instructed by brother Troy Brown, who is a noted speaker and CES educator. If you have occasion to teach as part of your calling, then this meeting is for you. This is for all auxiliaries including Sunday School, Primary, YM/YW, Priesthood, and Relief Society. Take advantage of this great opportunity to learn key principles that will help you be a more confident and effective teacher.
The Church is requesting that we donate money now for Haiti's recovery. Write"Haiti" under Humanitarian Aid on your donation slip.
On the Church website, under Current Humanitarian Needs, the only items specifically requested at this time are double-sized quilts (90" x 90"). The Humanitarian Committee has committed the Lindon Ward Relief Society to doing 5 quilts in the upcoming months. (This would also be a great Eagle project or family project.) We may add more quilts to our goal as we go along!
We also decided that we would do projects this year that include all of you sisters. In addition to the 5 quilts, we have also decided to collect newborn, hygiene, and school kit items as an ongoing project throughout the year. A recent Church News stated that members could also help Haiti by donating to DI (clothes we assume) and completing Humanitarian Kits.
Individual kit items (or kits completed in your family or by yourself) may be brought to church and given to one of the committee members, or dropped off during the week at the home of Marta Dorner, Marta Valdizan, or Mary Jane Johnson. Kits will then be assembled in late fall. Please refer to the Relief Society Notebooks for hand-outs, sign-up sheets, and more information about these projects.
Friday, February 12, 2010
1) For spaghetti sauce, we have had to switch from a 25 oz. jar to a quart size, 32 oz. jar. This will raise the price per case to $24.00. HOWEVER…this drops the price per ounce from .07 cents to .06 cents. So…you are saving money—but you might have to make a little more spaghetti or have bread sticks to dip with your spaghetti dinner! Leftovers! YUM!!! You could always use the left over sauce in a homemade soup or make pizza another night. We must always look at the positive!! We also found out that you can re-use the jam jars and this new spaghetti sauce jar for canning as long as you use it ONLY for water bath and NOT for pressure canning. The both jars will now come with a ring and lid.
2) If you are planning to schedule family canning, please do it right away. Forms continue to trickle in but we are needing to finalize the schedule as quickly as possible. You are free to forward the form to anyone who is interested, but please let them know how quickly we want to hear from them. If there are those who are still having trouble getting the form printed through Adobe, once you have downloaded the free copy of Adobe Reader from, please call us at 801-785-0998 and we will try and help you or you can come by the Cannery to pick up a copy.
*********** DRY PACK UPDATE*************
In late December, the Lindon Home Storage Center (Dry Pack) requested the information about price changes happening on January 16th be sent to our distribution list. It was amazing to see the effects this had. Brother Anderson, Manager of the Lindon Home Storage Center, has now asked that we share the following with you:
Lindon Home Storage Center (Dry-Pack) update. For Dry Pack questions call: 801-785-0997
· Powdered Milk
On January 16th the price of powdered milk rose $10.60 per 25# bag, from $24.80 to its current price of $35.40. As noted on the Family Home Storage Center price sheet (found on-line at, prices are subject to change without notice. The $24.80 price was in effect for almost seven months prior to the increase.
As soon as we were notified of the price increase in early December, I sent out a notice via the great sisters in the Wet-Pack Cannery Office. The results were interesting:
o In November 2009, our patrons canned just under 800 #10 cans of milk.
o In December, they canned just under 700 #10 cans of milk (remember that we were closed for ~the last two weeks in December.)
o In the first two weeks of January — before the price change on the 16th — just under 2,500 #10 cans were processed.
o On Thursday, January 14th, there was so much demand that we literally ran out of product fairly early in the day. It should be noted that if the demand had peaked in the weeks before, we could have replenished the milk to meet the demands since we order each week for the following week. But, by the last week, it was too late to order more.
o Note: the canning stats above do not include the thousands of pounds that were purchased in bulk during this time.
o The parallel to the parable of the 10 virgins came to my mind after all the (milk) dust settled… Those who waited until the last minute lost the benefit of the better price.
o Please note that the price of our powdered milk is still excellent considering that ~two years ago the price was over $70 per bag!
· Potato Flakes
A new opportunity has now presented itself. With the new price changes, potato flakes (NOT potato pearls!) have dropped from $30.20 per 25 lb. box to $22.20, a decrease of $8 per box.
Potato Flakes are only dried potatoes. Their shelf life, when properly canned and stored under ideal conditions (as noted on the order form), will be 30 years. You can make them taste just as good as potato pearls by adding salt, butter and milk.
We recommend that you plan early to increase your own home storage inventory and take advantage of the lower price of this and other items.
Other items to take note of are:
· White Rice: Price dropped $1.90 (11.1%) per 25# box to $$8.45
· Black Beans: Price dropped $1.85 (4.1%) per 25# bag to $14.50
· Spaghetti: Price dropped $1.70 (7.4%) per 25# box to $14.55
· White Beans: Price dropped $1.65 (7.6%) per 25# bag to $14.10
· Pre Packs
As you were informed earlier, the prices of our pre-packed items are no longer the same price as the do-it-yourself cans of equal quantity. They are slightly higher, ranging from 11 cents to 23 cents per can higher depending on the product. This is still a great buy if you want to save time in securing these products for your home storage. You can buy these pre-packs directly off the shelf.
New Pre-Pack Items: Starting sometime after the 1st of April, we will be offering two additional pre-pack items:
· White Wheat
· White Flour
Pricing and availability will be forwarded to you as soon as we are notified. This information, as always, will also be posted when the time comes on the Home Storage Center Order Form at
We strongly suggest that the counsel of the Brethren be followed and that you build up your home storage items by:
· First securing your 3 months supply of those items your family eats every day.
· Then slowly build up your long-term food storage.
o You don’t have to do it all at once! But keep at it!
o We have some very excellent and EASY instructions to help you determine what you will need for a year’s supply of food for your family. Come in and talk to one of our excellent missionary staff! They are all willing and anxious to assist you.
The Lindon Home Storage Center is open on a walk-in, first-come/first-serve basis on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Price and product information is located on (Make sure to use .org extension since there is a .net website with the same name.) You are looking for the Home Storage Center Order Form link on this website. It is an interactive form where you can plan your expenditure by entering order amounts and seeing the total amount you will spend. After you complete the order form, print it off and bring it with you to expedite the check-in process at the Home Storage Center. Do not fill out your check prior to arriving at the Center just in case they are out of any of the products you planned to order.
One last note: Remember that it isn’t enough just to buy food stuffs in bulk and store them, as-purchased, without preparing them to last long-term.
I talked with a patron a few months ago who wanted to buy 2,000 lbs of White Wheat. When I asked how she planned to store it, she said she had no idea what I meant. She felt that all that was needed to be prepared was to buy it in bulk. No thought was given to safe and secure storing procedures. Don’t get caught with a lot of food storage that may be at risk because of improper storage preparations.
We love serving you!
Y’all come in and see us! Hear?
Elder Anderson, Manager
Lindon Home Storage Center
Friday, February 5, 2010

- We will not be accepting completed order forms until Monday, February 8th. We will be in the office at 8:00 a.m.
- You are responsible for all information listed on the registration form. Please read it carefully.
- You may not change the indicated order amounts once you have sent in your form.
- We cannot schedule you while you wait.
- You cannot register by email or fax.
- Please remember to bring/send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your registration so we can return a confirmation form to you.
- Do not use a red pen or pencil to fill out your form.
- Try to schedule the maximum cases per person and share an order rather than having everyone “in the family/group” come and do one or two cases. This will allow us to schedule more people.
We don’t mean to sound rigid, but we will be scheduling over 2500 shifts in a very limited period of time. We need to finalize order amounts so we can secure all of the ingredients. By taking the weekend and making sure all your information is complete, you will help us expedite this process.
We are so excited to be up and running…and it will be great to see you all again.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
…A light at the end of a very looong tunnel? We sure hope so!
We know everyone is anticipating the next opportunity to do family canning and we have some good news! Along with the changes from construction and equipment updates, we are close to completing all of the requirements to become a licensed USDA facility. That means that within the year we should be able to can meat items for Family Canning. Finally, our empty storage shelves will once again be filled with meat!
Keep reading…this is important for you to understand:
Remember the “where much is given, much is required” principle? Here is the required part:
The USDA requires that any USDA meat item (see list below) produced here has to remain on the premises for 10 days of incubation before it can be sold. Therefore, no one will be able to come, process and take home product on the same day--if it is a USDA meat item. There will be specific “Pick-Up Days” for the product you have already worked for. That means two trips for everyone—even those who live far away. NO EXCEPTIONS.
This puts the choice back in your hands. Since we cannot change the USDA requirements, each person will need to decide if making two trips is worth having the product. So the choice is: coming to the Lindon Cannery and abiding by the rules or getting your canned meat items from your local stores.
Keep reading…there is a good side to all of this:
There could be good news within all these new regulations. At least with the USDA products, we will be able to determine what is “extra” (product that isn’t spoken for). Then you would be able to purchase additional cases when you come on “pick-up days” (your second trip to the Cannery). Therefore, those who helped can the product would have first access to it.
Overage from production on items that are not USDA (see list below) would still be offered at an Overage Sale along with any leftover USDA items.
Keep reading…there is more to understand:
Remember, we also have the requirement for non-USDA production. All these products must remain at the Cannery until the following day to allow for final paperwork to be completed. That means that everyone who schedules a shift on the first day of production will need to come back at the end of that item’s production to pick up their order. Hopefully, those who live close to the Cannery will try to schedule the first day of a product to help those who live further away. We still need a full day of production on the first day, so someone has to be here.
So…now it comes down to recognizing the “where much is given” side:
We are very blessed to be able to do Family Canning. This opportunity isn’t available to the majority of the members of the church. The “hassle” comes down to the attitude of recognizing where much has been given. The Church has invested considerable time and expense to upgrade the Cannery’s equipment and USDA status. It blesses the Church to have more facilities to produce welfare items for the church, but it also blesses those who can participate in Family Canning.
Keep reading…the reward for staying with us to the end:
We will be sending out the next Family Canning schedule on Friday, February 5th in the late afternoon. The entire process of becoming UDSA approved is still not completed, so there will be no meat products on the spring schedule. We are planning to have another Family Canning Schedule go out for May/June canning, and then a third one for November/December canning. We are looking more toward the November/December Family canning schedule before everything will be in place to do the meat.
The list below gives you an idea of where the Lindon Cannery products stand in the FDA/USDA guidelines we must follow:
NON USDA – 1 day waiting period
Chicken Noodle Soup
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Diced Tomatoes
Frozen Berries
Pork & Beans
Spaghetti Sauce
Tomato Soup
Vegetable Beef Soup
USDA – 10 day waiting period
Beef Stew
Chicken, Beef, & Pork Chunks
Cream of Chicken Soup
Ground Beef
Monday, January 25, 2010
1.24 Bulletin
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Jan 28th Stake Relief Society Conference and Dinner @6:30pm
Jan 30th Relief Society Training Meeting from 9-10am. Breakfast served
Jan 31st Fast Sunday
Book Club - Feb. The Princess Bride
Mar. Wednesday War
Apr. An Assembly Such As This
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
For ALL Lindon 11th Ward RS sisters: Come to a SHORT song practice directly after church, in the chapel. Direct any questions to Sister Lisa Harris.
More Info: On Feb 14th. the RS sisters are singing for the musical number in Sacrament Mtg, "Sweet Is the Work," Hymn 317. We would really like to be unified as a group, so we encourage all to join us. Whatever your singing talent, we want to stand together! Please encourage all sisters in Primary and YW's to join the other RS sisters and be part of this wonderful auxiliary.
Youth Fundraiser
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Annual Auction - Dinner and Carnival
Make sure you bring all your quarters to buy tickets for the carnival and for dinner! We will be having our successful auction - so start finding those fantastic items that you can donate. Look for the sign up sheet in your classes.
As the Church responds to humanitarian needs worldwide, the need for specific types of donations varies. Currently, the items listed below would be the most beneficial.
The Humanitarian Center has received sufficient donations for the following items: sock dolls, receiving blankets, girls' hair accessories, and stuffed balls. (ABC books and picture books have been discontinued.)
FYI: Sizes: Single quilts are 72" x 90" and full size quilts are 90" x 90"
Suggested materials: Cotton, cotton-poly blend or flannel (pre-shrunk if necessary). Denim and corduroy are NOT preferred. 8 oz. bonded poly batting is recommended for tied quilts. 3 or 4 ply yarn or heavy Cro-sheen is recommended.
Quilts may be tied or quilted by hand or machine. Use 1/2" seams on pieced quilts. Ties should be about 4" apart. Square knot or international stitch is preferred. Check underneath to make sure there are no knots. Please ensure that the ties cannot be pulled out.
Binding should be carefully done by hand or machine. Two suggested methods are the pillow case method and the roll method.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday Bulletin
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Jan 18th No School, Martin Luther King Day
Jan 19th Book Club “The Book Thief”
Jan 28th Stake Relief Society Conference and Dinner @6:30pm
Jan 30th Relief Society Training Meeting from 9-10am. Breakfast served
Kris is collecting money for a wedding gift for Brooke Arbon and Andrew Hill.
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
For ALL Lindon 11th Ward RS sisters: Come to a SHORT song practice directly after church, in the chapel. Direct any questions to Sister Lisa Harris.
More Info: On Feb 14th. the RS sisters are singing for the musical number in Sacrament Mtg, "Sweet Is the Work," Hymn 317. We would really like to be unified as a group, so we encourage all to join us. Whatever your singing talent, we want to stand together! Please encourage all sisters in Primary and YW's to join the other RS sisters and be part of this wonderful auxiliary.
As the Church responds to humanitarian needs worldwide, the need for specific types of donations varies. Currently, the items listed below would be the most beneficial.
The Humanitarian Center has received sufficient donations for the following items: sock dolls, receiving blankets, girls' hair accessories, and stuffed balls. (ABC books and picture books have been discontinued.)
FYI: Sizes: Single quilts are 72" x 90" and full size quilts are 90" x 90"
Suggested materials: Cotton, cotton-poly blend or flannel (pre-shrunk if necessary). Denim and corduroy are NOT preferred. 8 oz. bonded poly batting is recommended for tied quilts. 3 or 4 ply yarn or heavy Cro-sheen is recommended.
Quilts may be tied or quilted by hand or machine. Use 1/2" seams on pieced quilts. Ties should be about 4" apart. Square knot or international stitch is preferred. Check underneath to make sure there are no knots. Please ensure that the ties cannot be pulled out.
Binding should be carefully done by hand or machine. Two suggested methods are the pillow case method and the roll method.
Young Women Good News
Good News Minute – Wendy Madsen, No more chemo treatments, hopefully never again. Good News Minute – one of the Sisters in YW was nominated and accepted into the National Association of Professional Women. Good News Minute – 11/25 – Lisa Tanner, Kirk and Lisa Tanner became 1st time grandparents (Logan and Kristen) baby Olin Good News Minute – Marilyn Bruning, Shelby Brunning’s High School Varsity Soccer Team won the State Championship.
Mariane Sorensen sang in a youth choir in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert
Sydney Bruning got her braces off!
Stacie Norton is now taller than Brooke Fairbanks.
Danyele Hoffman made it on the basketball team.
Zoe broke her arm
Alex Ladd is happy!!
Abigail is really Cute
Alese Norton played center for her lacrosse team
Lauren McIntosh got a poem published in a book called "Inspired"
Angela Bellitti gets her braces off on Jan 13th, 2010.
Ashley Jacobs is in the play Les Mis. which is showing Jan 25-30 at PGHS.
Franklin Palmer's soccer team was undefeated champs!
The first phase of EFY registration is currently open!! Now through 10:00a.m. next Tuesday, January 19th , you can enter the "random drawing" phase which will allow you to sign up now and pay no money until your name is selected to register for a session of your choice beginning January 22nd. See our website for more details! (
Join with thousands of other youth around the country this summer for a life changing experience. In challenging times, President Thomas S. Monson has counseled us: "Fear not, be of good cheer. Your future is as bright as your faith." Come share your strength and faith with us!! We are looking forward to being with you!!
"Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest!" (Joshua 1:9)
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday Bulletin
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Jan 13th New Beginnings – For YW and their parents @ 7pm
Jan 16th Ward Temple Night @ 6:30pm
Jan 18th No School, Martin Luther King Day
Jan 19th Book Club “The Book Thief”
Jan 28th Stake Relief Society Conference and Dinner @6:30pm
Jan 30th Relief Society Training Meeting from 9-10am. Breakfast served
Kris is collecting money for a wedding gift for Brooke Arbon and Andrew Hill.
Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.
As the Church responds to humanitarian needs worldwide, the need for specific types of donations varies. Currently, the items listed below would be the most beneficial.
The Humanitarian Center has received sufficient donations for the following items: sock dolls, receiving blankets, girls' hair accessories, and stuffed balls. (ABC books and picture books have been discontinued.)
FYI: Sizes: Single quilts are 72" x 90" and full size quilts are 90" x 90"
Suggested materials: Cotton, cotton-poly blend or flannel (pre-shrunk if necessary). Denim and corduroy are NOT preferred. 8 oz. bonded poly batting is recommended for tied quilts. 3 or 4 ply yarn or heavy Cro-sheen is recommended.
Quilts may be tied or quilted by hand or machine. Use 1/2" seams on pieced quilts. Ties should be about 4" apart. Square knot or international stitch is preferred. Check underneath to make sure there are no knots. Please ensure that the ties cannot be pulled out.
Binding should be carefully done by hand or machine. Two suggested methods are the pillow case method and the roll method.
Provident Living Tip:
Take an inventory of what you have in your cupboards and food storage area and then check out the sales that are going on.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Lindon Home Storage Center Information
Lindon Home Storage Center Information
940 W Center St. Lindon, Utah 84042 Phone: (801) 785-0997
Normal Days and Hours of Operation
Tuesdays & Thursdays F 9:00 AM to 7:00PM.
Saturdays F 9:00 AM to 1:00PM.
*Note: Hours are subject to change. Current days and hours of operation will be recorded on our answering machine and posted outside the LHSC entrance door.
BULK ITEMS* and Prepackaged Canned* items may be purchased “off-the-shelf.”
Dry-Pack Canning* is WALK-IN ONLY — First-Come-First-Serve!
· No pre-scheduled appointments will be made.
· Each group of 1 to 3 Processing Patrons will be assigned a work-station.
Your Dry-Pack Canning Shift: Within our hours of operation, you may process Dry-Pack products which are sold at the Home Storage Center for as long as you choose.
NOTE: Patron orders should be submitted no later than ½ hour before closing time.
ORDERING: You may bring a copy of the Home Storage Center Order Form found at or simply complete the order form at the Home Storage Center.
Product prices are found on the order form. There is no sales tax on home storage products.
Dry-Pack Canning Patrons will be given processing instructions by our Home Storage Center Missionaries. Processing steps include:
Completing your order and validating it with a LHSC staff member.Preparing for dry-pack canning in our Pre-Processing Area.When directed, taking pre-processed items (cans, boxes and products) to assigned work-station.Having completed products and quantities validated by LHSC missionaries.Obtaining any bulk products included in your order.Paying for validated order at the LHSC Office. (Note: Cash or personal check only.)
Available Products* to CAN and/or order in BULK are:
Black Beans
Pinto Beans
White Beans
Nonfat Dry Milk
Red Wheat
White Wheat
Apple Slices
Carrots (dehydrated)
Quick Oats
Regular Oats
Dry Onions
Potato Flakes
Refried Beans
Cocoa Mix, Hot
White Flour
Fruit Drink Mix
Limited Life — BULK ONLY Items*:
· Pancake Mix ( four – 4 lb. Bags per box)
· Potato Pearls (twelve – 28 oz. Mylar pouches per box)
*NO ORDER LIMITS… Products are based on Availability. First-Come-First Serve
Prepackaged Items (6/ #10 cans per box): l Starter Kit (2ea. red wheat; 2ea. white rice, 1 ea. pinto beans & 1 ea. quick rolled oats); l Pinto Beans; l Quick Oats; l White Rice l Red Wheat.
Sunday Bulletin
Announcements & Dates to Remember
Jan 3rd Trek Fireside with Michael Wilcox (Be Strong and of a Good Courage) @ 6pm
Jan 8th YW Baptism for the Dead meet at the church @ 3:15pm
Jan 13th New Beginnings – For YW and their parents @ 7pm
Jan 18th No School, Martin Luther King Day
As the Church responds to humanitarian needs worldwide, the need for specific types of donations varies. Currently, the items listed below would be the most beneficial.
SINGLE AND FULL SIZE QUILTS - The Humanitarian Center has received sufficient donations for the following items: sock dolls, receiving blankets, girls' hair accessories, and stuffed balls. (ABC books and picture books have been discontinued.)
FYI: Sizes: Single quilts are 72" x 90" and full size quilts are 90" x 90" Suggested materials: Cotton, cotton-poly blend or flannel (pre-shrunk if necessary). Denim and corduroy are NOT preferred. 8 oz. bonded poly batting is recommended for tied quilts. 3 or 4 ply yarn or heavy Cro-sheen is recommended.
Quilts may be tied or quilted by hand or machine. Use 1/2" seams on pieced quilts. Ties should be about 4" apart. Square knot or international stitch is preferred. Check underneath to make sure there are no knots. Please ensure that the ties cannot be pulled out.
Binding should be carefully done by hand or machine. Two suggested methods are the pillow case method and the roll method.