Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday Bulletin, 3.21

Lesson #6 The Fall of Adam and Eve

Announcements & Dates to Remember
Mar. 27th YW Broadcast
Mar. 28th Easter Program in Sacrament Meeting
Mar. 28th VT Conference
Mar. 28th Trek Fireside @ 6pm
Apr. 4th General Conference
Apr. 11th Fast Sunday
Apr. 18th Ward Conference
Apr. 20th Book Club “An Assembly Such As This”
Apr. 21st Trek Orientation Meeting for Youth and Parents @ 7pm

ORGAN CLASSES are going to be taught again in the Lindon Stake. They are for anyone who would like to play the organ. You must already be able to play the church hymns. Classes will begin the week of April 12th and go for 6 consecutive weeks. Day/time TBA when we get the names of those interested. Please sign up on a sign up sheet going around your ward or call Lucy Pierce at 801-785-7825 if you are interested. We need to know who is interested by April 5th.

Lindon Stake Scripture Study Class 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings, 7pm . Andrew Skinner will be the teacher and the Old Testament will be the text. March 25, April 25 & 29 and May 13.

Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.

Kris will be collecting money for a wedding gift for Brock Arbon and finance’. April 29th.

Dave Lawson is going to show us how to prune our fruit trees this Thurs. March 25 @ 6:30
@ Wilkerson’s, so any one that would like to see the demonstration please come. Some of us missed the last demonstration.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sunday Bulletin, March 14

Lesson # 5 - The Creation, taught by Sarah Pollister

Announcements & Dates to Remember
Mar 16th Book Club
Mar. 27th YW Broadcast
Mar. 28th Easter Program in Sacrament Meeting
Mar. 28th VT Conference
Mar. 28th Trek Fireside @ 6pm
Apr. 3-4th General Conference
Apr. 11th Fast Sunday
Apr. 18th Ward Conference
Apr. 21st Trek Orientation Meeting for Youth and Parents @ 7pm

Book Club
Mar. 16 Wednesday War
Apr. 20 An Assembly Such As This

Lindon Stake Scripture Study Class 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings, 7pm . Andrew Skinner
will be the teacher and the Old Testament will be the text.

Sisters we need your help to stack the chairs after Relief Society. Thank-you.

It’s time to start thinking of gardening, March 17 is a good day to plant your peas, soak them at least 4 hours before planting and then watch them grow and enjoy your peas in early summer. Also have you pruned your fruit trees and grape vines?

Wilkerson’s have a wooden outdoor play set that they want to give away, if you are interested contact them @ 801-701-0019.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Dear Lindon Home Storage Center, Dry Pack Patrons,

Yesterday, as the final inspection of the Dry-Pack Processing Room maintenance was done, we found a few more problems that need to be taken care of…

It looks like we jumped the gun (and the lake, AND the tall-building-in-a-single-bound) by announcing the processing room’s re-opening as March 4th.

Please call 801-785-0997 and talk to us or listen to our phone greeting to be sure when the Lindon Home Storage Center’s (Dry Pack) processing room will re-open.

Thank you for your patience. We hope our enthusiasm to get back to work, therefore jumping the gun and announcing an opening date that isn’t going to happen, will not cause any problems for you!

We are open for bulk sales and canner check-in/check-out.

Elder Mark Anderson, Manager
Lindon Home Storage Center (Dry Pack)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Important Message from the Lindon Home Storage Center - Dry Pack

We’re done early with our maintenance and will once again be open for Dry Pack Canning, Bulk Sales and CANNER CHECK-OUT/IN Beginning Thursday, March 4th, 2010


Thank you so much for your patience during this maintenance period.
Elder Mark B. Anderson – LHSC Manager

Monday, March 1, 2010


Dear Family Canners:

We have filled the shifts we opened for Salsa registrations. If you want to call and register for Spaghetti Sauce, Jam or Pancake Syrup, there are still some openings on the scheduled dates. Remember, once a product is “full”, you can call the week we are canning the product to see if there are cancellations that you can fill. For Salsa, you can begin calling on Monday, March 15th to see what is available.

Sunday Bulletin, Feb 28

Lesson - TFOT - “Moral Discipline” by Elder Christofferson, taught by Marla Arbon

Announcements & Dates to Remember
Mar. 3rd RS Birthday Dinner @ 6:30, casual dress
Mar. 13th RS Temple Day @ 8am
Mar 16th Book Club
Mar. 27th YW Broadcast
Mar. 28th Easter Program in Sacrament Meeting
Mar. 28th VT Conference
Mar. 28th Trek Fireside @ 6pm
Apr. 4th General Conference
Apr. 11th Fast Sunday
Apr. 18th Ward Conference
Apr. 21st Trek Orientation Meeting for Youth and Parents @ 7pm

Book Club Mar. 16 Wednesday War
Apr. 20 An Assembly Such As This

Lindon Stake Scripture Study Class 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings, 7pm . Andrew Skinner will be the teacher and the Old Testament will be the text.