"Remember: the heavens will not be filled with those who never made mistakes but with those who recognized that they were off course and who corrected their ways to get back in the light of gospel truth. The more we treasure the words of the prophets and apply them, the better we will recognize when we are drifting off course, even if only by a matter of a few degrees.”
May 2008 Ensign, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, 2nd Counselor in the 1st Presidency
The Ward Choir is practicing Holiday music and all are invited to sing. Practices are held on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:30 in the Sorensen's home.
There is an urgent need for Single Size quilts and Hygiene Kits. These are the current needs at the Humanitarian Center that would be most beneficial because of the recent hurricane needs worldwide. Let's continue to be generous to our brothers and sisters.
We continue to tie quilts on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. at RobbiAnn's home. We would LOVE to have more helpers. Thank you to Mary Jane Johnson, Marilyn Johnson, Carol Reynolds and Kim Sparks for helping to finish the quilts for the orphanage. Thank you to Debbie Shepherd for the baby booties and hats that she lovingly continues to make.
Whiten your whites-
Dissolve 1 box of baking soda, 2 cups of Cascade, a few drops of dish soap, Add water to fill a dishpan and soak for 7-8 hours. Then wash as usual.